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In an era of unprecedented pressure for efficiency and innovation, biotherapeutics development is demanding a paradigm shift in analytical capabilities. The Analytical and Quality Stream offers four days of immersive presentations to help you respond to this challenge. You’ll learn about new higher throughout technologies and workflows and explore the transformative potential of AI and big data, leveraging predictive insights to unlock new insights and critical unknowns. Then explore the evolving landscape of next-generation analytical methods, mastering state-of-the-art solutions for protein characterization, precision manufacturing, and advanced spectroscopic techniques. This stream fosters profound learning through interactive discussions, poster presentations, and invaluable networking opportunities, ensuring you emerge empowered to revolutionize your biotherapeutics development programs.

Conferences Include:

Accelerating Analytical Development
Next Generation Analytical Methods

Keynote Presentations Include:

Where Are the Data—Solving One Challenge at a Time for Developing Digital Technologies to Support All Phases of Analytical Method Lifecycle
Neeraj AgrawalNeeraj Agrawal, PhD, Director, Attribute Science Data Engineering, Amgen

Structural MS Techniques for Understanding Highly Engineered Multispecifics
Hirsh NandaHirsh Nanda, PhD, Director, Analytical Sciences, Janssen

Special Presentations Include:

Building a Roadmap for Implementation of the Multi-Attribute Method in QC
Li JingLi Jing, PhD, Principal Scientist, USP