Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Inaugural

Next Generation Analytical Methods

New Technologies and Enhancements to Enable the Characterization of Complex Biotherapeutics

August 21 - 22, 2024 ALL TIMES EDT

Biotherapeutic development is now entering an interesting stage, where a progression of increasingly-complex therapeutic modalities and precision manufacturing approaches are demanding more capabilities from the analytical tools used throughout development. CHI's new Next Generation Analytical Methods conference offers protein scientists and analytical specialists the opportunity to explore the latest technologies and methods for problem solving in this dynamic field. Two full days of presentations will explore emerging technologies, the needs for new modality-specific solutions, the evolution of core analytical methods, new applications of spectroscopic methods, and exciting advances in process analytics. And the formal conference presentations will be augmented by moderated small group discussions, scientific posters, and abundant opportunities for networking.

Wednesday, August 21

Registration and Morning Coffee7:30 am


7:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Hirsh Nanda, PhD, Director, Analytical Sciences, Janssen

8:00 am

Evolution of Core Analytical Methods during the Development Lifecycle for mAb Products

Claudia Gributs, PhD, Senior Director, Research and Development, Eli Lilly and Company

Teams often strive to implement appropriate analytical methods in early-phase development and minimize changes as product development progresses. To this end, platform methods have gained popularity for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Nevertheless, at least one analytical method inevitably evolves between FHD and commercialization. This presentation will discuss factors that drive method changes and approaches to analytical method bridging that balance the desire for exhaustive datasets with material and resource availability.

8:30 am

New Methods and Strategies for Particle Analysis

Benjamin Laccetti, PhD, Senior Scientist, Process Development, Amgen

This presentation surveys the current landscape and explores innovative methods and strategies for analyzing particles in biologic drugs. It delves into recent advancements that enhance our understanding of particle characterization, origin, and the ongoing pursuit and future direction of improved analytical tools for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of biologic therapies.

9:00 am

Evolving Core Methods via Automation, Platforming, and Improved Usability

Bharathi Govindarajan, PhD, Principal Scientist, Bioanalytical Sciences, Sanofi, United States

Platform methods act as a great tool to support efficient and faster readiness to onboard or advance a new program through the clinical phases. It is important to have a comprehensive understanding of platform methods to build confidence in the use of these tools to support the development of new molecules. This presentation will focus on strategies to support the implementation of robust platform methods with focus on ELISA-based assays.

9:30 am Optimizing Bioprocess Development Decisions with Next-Generation Analytical Techniques

Fang Wang, Sr Tech Product Mgr, Product Mgmt, SCIEX

Detailed and accurate information about a molecule’s characteristics is critical for production. This data allows scientists to make informed decisions, pushing the strongest drug candidates forward, while maintaining a competitive pace. Recent advances in analytical techniques have enhanced the speed and reliability of data collection, making it easier to gather critical insights. Here, we explore case studies, demonstrating how SCIEX solutions support the development of biopharmaceuticals from routine analysis to deep characterization of PQAs.

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:00 am


10:40 am

Biophysical Characterization for Antisense Oligos

William Yueheng Zhang, PhD, Senior Scientist, Biogen

Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) are short nucleotide sequences designed antisense to target RNAs. To increase their nuclease resistance the phosphate (PO) backbone is often modified to phosphorothioate (PS), creating a new chiral center. ASOs with many PS chiral centers are mixtures of thousands of diastereomers. We compared circular dichroism, phosphate-31 NMR, and LC-MS for characterizing the diastereomeric distribution of ASOs.

11:10 am

Evaluation of Current and Advanced Analytical Technologies for the Comprehensive Characterization of mRNA and Its Impurities

Axel Guilbaud, PhD, Principal Scientist, Genentech

This study delves into the comprehensive profiling of in vitro transcribed (IVT) mRNA impurities, crucial for enhancing safety and efficacy in biotechnological applications. Leveraging advanced analytical tools such as ion-pair reversed-phase liquid-chromatography, capillary gel-electrophoresis, microcapillary-electrophoresis, mass-photometry, and native mass-spectrometry, we unveil impurities related to mRNA variants and double-stranded mRNA byproducts. Our findings emphasize the need for improved analytical characterization, offering valuable insights for optimizing IVT mRNA production in biotechnological contexts.

11:40 am

Diastereomer Characterization of Phosphorothioate Synthetic Oligonucleotides Using a Tandem IMS-MS Method

Shannon A. Raab, PhD, Research Scientist, Bioproduct R&D, Eli Lilly & Co.

Synthetic oligonucleotides have emerged as effective treatments for genetic diseases. Oligonucleotide therapeutics are commonly modified with a substitution of a phosphorothioate linkage along the phosphodiester backbone which creates a mixture of diastereomer structures. Analytical methods to measure the diastereomers are currently lacking despite recent draft guidance highlighting the importance of their characterization. Here, we present a method combining tandem MS and tandem IMS to study diastereomers in modified oligonucleotides.

Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own12:10 pm

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing12:40 pm


1:25 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Shannon A. Raab, PhD, Research Scientist, Bioproduct R&D, Eli Lilly & Co.

1:30 pm

Building an LC-MS-Based Analytical Toolbox for Characterization of Polysaccharide-Protein Conjugate Vaccines

Pavlo Pristatsky, Associate Principal Scientist, Merck & Co. Inc.

To improve understanding of the structure-function relationship of a Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, several LC-MS assays were developed for process development and characterization. Notably, Serotype 5 polysaccharide which contains a ketone group in its repeating unit is included in some vaccine formulations. An LC-MS based assay procedure paired with an isotope-labeling strategy was developed and will be presented to characterize the integrity of the ketone group after the conjugation reaction.

2:00 pm

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Structural MS Techniques for Understanding Highly Engineered Multispecifics

Hirsh Nanda, PhD, Director, Analytical Sciences, Janssen

The advent of multispecific biotherapeutics, capable of engaging multiple targets simultaneously, marks a significant milestone in both disease treatment and the ability to design complex protein modalities. This class of drugs demands precise optimization of bioprocess conditions and analytical verification of structure and function. Structural mass-spectrometry techniques are used to map engineered disulfides and identify misfolded regions causing aggregation, thereby leading to molecule designs with better manufacturability and efficacy.

2:30 pm HaLCon Protein Analyzer: A Study on At-Line Titer Analysis in Biopharmaceutical Applications

Yuxiang Henry Zhao, Scientist, Process Dev, Bristol Myers Squibb

With the increasing demand for intensified processes in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, there is a growing requirement for a rapid and precise analytical method to measure product yield. This talk presents a case study on the HaLCon protein analyzer, a compact Liquid Chromatography (LC) system equipped with a Protein A affinity column. The study investigates the capabilities, performance, and potential applications of HaLCon in GMP facilities.

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing3:00 pm


3:50 pm

Plenary Introduction

Daniel Barry, Senior Conference Director, Cambridge Healthtech Institute

3:55 pm

Genetic Medicines—Transforming the Future of Biotherapeutics


Ann Lee, PhD, CTO, Prime Medicine, Inc.

Genetic medicines have the potential to revolutionize the treatment of diseases by editing the genes responsible for illness. The landmark approval of CASGEVY, the world’s first CRISPR-based treatment, has opened the door to an exciting new era of gene-editing therapies and technologies. Though not without challenges. This unique Fireside Chat brings together leading experts from the fields of CRISPR cas-9, prime editing, base editing, and epigenetics to discuss the technologies, tools, and strategies to succeed in the clinic and commercially.


E. Morrey Atkinson, PhD, Executive Vice President, Chief Technical Operations Officer, Head, Biopharmaceutical Sciences and Manufacturing Operations, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Manmohan Singh, PhD, CTO, Beam Therapeutics

Heidi Zhang, PhD, Executive Vice President, Head, Technical Operations, Tune Therapeutics

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing5:00 pm

Close of Day6:00 pm

Thursday, August 22

Registration and Morning Coffee7:30 am


7:55 am

Chairperson’s Remarks

Sarah Muse, PhD, Senior Scientist, Sanofi

8:00 am

Host Cell Protein Analysis for Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV)-Based Gene Therapy by Differential Digestion-Based LC-MS Method

Yunli Hu, PhD, Senior Principal Scientist, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.

The identification and monitoring of residual host cell proteins (HCPs) in adeno-associated virus (AAV) by LC-MS is critical for maintaining product quality. However, applying LC-MS-based techniques to AAV poses unique challenges. In this presentation, we will explore these challenges and strategies to overcome them in the context of AAV HCP analysis. Additionally, we will present a newly developed, highly sensitive method that preserves AAV integrity while preferentially digesting HCPs.

8:30 am

Integration of Orthogonal Methods for Enhanced Product Understanding

Adebowale Shoroye, Scientist, Biogen

Aggregation is a critical quality attribute that needs to be appropriately controlled in any biopharmaceutical product. For AAV-based therapeutics, methods to assess aggregation present a unique challenge. In this study, we compared strengths and weaknesses of SEC, AF4, analytical ultracentrifugation, and mass photometry. We present a case study in which very large aggregates were generated to evaluate the performance of each method in the separation and quantitation of aggregates.

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing9:00 am

9:30 amBreakout Discussion Groups

Breakout Discussions are informal, moderated discussions, allowing participants to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic. Each discussion will be led by a facilitator who keeps the discussion on track and the group engaged. To get the most out of this format, please come prepared to share examples from your work, be a part of a collective, problem-solving session, and participate in active idea sharing. Please visit the Breakout Discussions page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.

TABLE 9: Advancing Multi-Specific Molecules: Innovations and Challenges in Analytical Characterization

Hirsh Nanda, PhD, Director, Analytical Sciences, Janssen

  • Discuss the various platforms used in designing multi-specific proteins
  • Identify common challenges faced in the engineering and development of these molecules
  • Current analytical methods 
  • Emerging technologies 
  • Stage-appropriate methods​
10:30 am

Cell-Free Systems in mRNA Analytics

Sarah Muse, PhD, Senior Scientist, Sanofi

mRNA vaccines offer transformative potential for disease prevention, but their rapid development demands advanced analytical techniques. This presentation delves into the latest breakthroughs in mRNA vaccine analytics. Attendees will explore cutting-edge methods for characterizing mRNA integrity, purity, and potency. Discover how these innovations optimize vaccine stability, safety, and efficacy throughout the preclinical development process.

11:00 am

Characterization Nucleic Acid within AAV Vectors by Long-Read Sequencing

Serena Dollive, PhD, Senior Scientist, Analytical Development, Oxford Biomedica

I will present newly developed methods for characterizing AAV vector via PacBio long-read sequencing. Our tools quantitate residual impurities as well as vector subspecies (ie full vs partial) all within one assay, allowing deeper, more comprehensive understanding of vector batch content.

Enjoy Lunch on Your Own11:30 am

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall & Last Chance for Poster Viewing12:30 pm


1:05 pm

Chairperson’s Remarks

Alayna George Thompson, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, AbbVie

1:10 pm

New Mass Spectrometry Approaches in Forced Degradation for Biologics Lead Optimization/Early Development

Alayna George Thompson, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, AbbVie

Our group gathers chemical liability data to inform biologics candidate design or advancement in the late Discovery pipeline. We miniaturized forced degradation by focusing on mass spectrometry because of the richness of data and broad applicability across biologic formats. The recent construction of a structured data warehouse allows broader access to data by collaborating scientists. Overall, these approaches enable comprehensive, timely, and pipeline-appropriate decisions on biologic candidates.

1:40 pm

Novel Approaches and Practical Applications of New Peak Detection in Drug Development

Qinjingwen Cao, PhD, Principal Scientist, Technical Development, Genentech

New Peak Detection (NPD), a critical component of Multi-Attribute Method (MAM), detects peak variations effectively. An efficient NPD method with improved sensitivity is vital for monitoring process-related attributes. This study presents the development of a robust NPD method that successfully enhances sensitivity and maintains controlled false positives. The efficacy of this innovative NPD approach was assessed at various applications to fulfill pipeline needs, exemplifying its significant potential in drug development.

2:10 pm

Characterizing Monoclonal Antibodies and Antibody-Drug Conjugates by Top-Down and Middle-Down Mass Spectrometry

Benqian Wei, PhD, Senior Scientist, Merck

Top-down and middle-down mass spectrometry (TD/MD-MS) are emerging techniques that minimize sample preparation and preserve endogenous post-translational modifications (PTMs) compared to bottom-up MS. Here, we show that assigning non-canonical internal fragments in TD-/MD-MS helps recover nearly 100% of the sequence and reveal important disulfide connectivity information of an intact mAb. In addition, drug conjugation sites can also be determined for a heterogeneous lysine-linked ADC using this novel approach.

Networking Refreshment Break and Transition into Town Hall Discussions2:40 pm


2:55 pmFacilitated Town Hall Discussions - IN PERSON ONLY

These Town Halls offer delegates the opportunity to participate in interactive discussions on important themes that were explored during the conference. Each Hall will have a host(s) to facilitate the conversation, and all are welcome to participate, share views and best practices and ask questions of colleagues.

Town Hall 1: Harnessing ML/AI and Big Data for Biotherapeutic Development

Pin-Kuang Lai, PhD, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Stevens Institute of Technology

Big data holds the key to unlocking breakthroughs in biotherapeutic formulation and analytical development. This collaborative session tackles the challenges associated with data coordination, capture, and standardization across different programs. Discuss the potential of chat-based language models and explore best practices for leveraging historical data to inform R&D efforts. Join the conversation to navigate the evolving big data landscape together.

Town Hall 2: Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing: In-House vs. Outsourced

Elben Guimaraes, Senior Manufacturing Manager, Upstream Manufacturing, Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc.

The decision of handling cell and gene therapy processes in-house or outsourcing them is crucial. This facilitated discussion explores the advantages and challenges of both approaches, analyzing their impact on cost, control, strategic direction, and innovation. Share experiences and best practices for managing internal and external manufacturing, while examining common scenarios faced by sponsors and vendors.

Town Hall 3: Digital Transformation & AI in Bioprocess Development and Manufacturing

Christian Airiau, PhD, Global Head, Data Sciences, CMC, R&D, Sanofi

Irene Rombel, PhD, CEO & Co-Founder, BioCurie Inc.

The bioprocessing industry is undergoing a digital revolution fueled by AI. This interactive session dives into current digital adoption and explores the latest trends in AI applications (AIML). Join the conversation to explore the potential of AI for process optimization and digital twins. Share real-world success stories and discuss ethical considerations along with potential workforce impacts.

Close of Summit3:55 pm