Cambridge Healthtech Institute's 5th Annual

Digital Transformation and AI in Bioprocess

Into the Digital Future

August 21 - 22, 2024 ALL TIMES EDT

Biopharmaceutical companies are increasingly harnessing the power of digitalization, machine learning, and AI to drive scientific and operational excellence from process development to manufacturing. From IIoT to data management, from design of experiments, digital twins, modeling, simulation to process analytical technology and advanced process control, the Digital Transformation and AI in Bioprocess conference is the gateway where scientists and engineers gather to share their vision for a transformative future of bioprocessing. Don’t miss this pivotal moment in the bioprocess revolution. Equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to lead your organization into the digital future.

Wednesday, August 21

Registration and Morning Coffee7:30 am


7:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Mark Duerkop, CEO, Novasign GmbH

Angela Li, PhD, Senior Scientist, Vaccine CMC Development & Supply, Sanofi

8:00 am

Bringing Data Analysis on Par with Data Generation Speed

Christoph Herwig, PhD, former Professor, Bioprocess Engineering, Vienna University of Technology; CPO, Fermify GmbH; Senior Scientific Advisor, Körber Pharma Austria

No matter if in development or in manufacturing, biopharmaceutical companies swim in data. However, data is not analyzed due to multiple reasons: Missing availablility; Missing contextualization; Different frequency; Different dimensionality. As a result, experiments are not based on previous knowledge, creating an unnecessary waste of resources and costs. This contribution shows how to automatically organize and analyze data at the speed of its generation. We show good practices on how to achieve good data quality for achieving significant data analysis results.

8:30 am

UX & Data Quality: Two Sides of the Digital Transformation Coin

Madalene Crow, Senior Digital Product Manager, Genentech Inc.

Case Study presentation to explore the relationship between scientific user experience and high quality data set generation in the context of evolving scientific methods and digital transformation. Digital product innovation guiding principles, a model for informatics product team/ scientific user partnership and a summary of lessons learned will be shared.

9:00 am

Digitalization of Tech Transfer Strategies: Why and How

Niki Wong, PhD, Director Global Tech Operations CMC, Global Tech Operations CMC, AbbVie Operations Singapore Pte Ltd.

Tech transfer projects have always been stigmatized with tight timelines and limited resources. This presentation would like to tackle this challenge of increasing effectiveness and efficiency of tech transfer challenges by considering lessons learned and what can be done better through digitalization.

9:30 am Enhancing Bioprocess Monitoring and Understanding by Leveraging Benchtop NMR

Victor Beaumont, Strategic Market Dev. Specialist, Bruker

Gabriella Gerzon, PhD Candidate, York Univ

Despite the recognized efficiency of continuous biopharmaceutical manufacturing, it has yet to be widely adopted because of the inherent complexity of biologics and bioprocesses. Optical spectroscopies are typically employed for process monitoring but lack the level of structure characterization achieved by NMR. This presentation demonstrates the power of benchtop NMR as a well-suited technique to complement existing technologies for enhanced bioprocess monitoring and understanding. 

This work was done in the context of the acquisition of an NMR instrument by Sanofi, and in agreement with the company. 

Authors: Victor Beaumont*, Christian Fischer*, Matteo Pennestri* *Bruker International 


Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing10:00 am


10:40 am

Use of AI/ML for Bioprocess Systems Modeling and Applications in Vaccines CMC Development

Angela Li, PhD, Senior Scientist, Vaccine CMC Development & Supply, Sanofi

We discuss the strategy of implementing process modeling for production of complex biotherapeutics and how models powered by ML can be useful to drive data value continuum along the CMC development cycle. Case studies will be presented on the use of hybrid, mechanistic, and data-driven models for upstream and downstream, including potential applications of a novel physics-informed machine learning algorithm.

11:10 am

Application of AI and Digital Twins for Bioprocessing: Pitfalls and Solution Paths for Accelerated Process Development and Automated Process Control

Mark Duerkop, CEO, Novasign GmbH

In the slowly evolving landscape of bioprocess development and manufacturing, digital bioprocess-twins have emerged as potential accelerators. While advanced algorithms are at the heart of this endeavor, they are just one piece of the puzzle. This presentation will illuminate the essential stages in developing robust process models, encompassing experimental design, customized modeling strategies, smooth scale-up processes, and the real-time application of models for effective monitoring and control. Concrete examples from both upstream and downstream processes will be provided to enhance comprehension of these principles.

11:40 am

Industry Maturity Models as the North Star for Digital Transformation

Eugene Tung, PhD, Executive Director, Manufacturing IT, Merck & Co., Inc.

As companies in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry undergo digital transformations, they face numerous questions around the transformation. What are the goals? What are the benefits?  What does good look like? In this presentation, we examine digital transformation through the lens of digital plant maturity models, which help companies understand the current state of their plants and prioritize their digital investments as they progress up the maturity curve. We present use cases and examples on Digital Twins, In-Line Monitoring/Real-Time Release, and Model Predictive Control. 

12:10 pm LUNCHEON PRESENTATION: Leveraging Digital Threads for Seamless Data and Process Automation, Traceability, and Reproducibility

Tara Madhyastha , Sr. Solutions Architect , Solutions , Rescale

Advanced modeling and simulation are increasingly key to speeding up bioprocessing. These tools are powerful, but need to be made easy to use without specialists to generate actual performance gains. Our luncheon will explore best practices for automating simulations, ensuring data provenance, and supporting FAIR principles for digitalization efforts. Learn how Rescale customers are simplifying complexity in R&D and boosting simulation speed and throughput to cut time to discovery.

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing12:40 pm


1:25 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Moo Sun Hong, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul National University


Global Digital Transformation Program—It's All about Data Consumption

Christian Airiau, PhD, Global Head, Data Sciences, CMC, R&D, Sanofi

Sanofi CMC/Process Development is transforming the way we develop new medicines by driving a data centric approach at the core of our activities.Three use cases are presented to demonstrate how we support Sanofi projects by applying innovative methodologies of quantitative sciences, leveraging empirical, hybrid and mechanistic models to design, optimize and control our processes. We present a structured program for upskilling scientists in all areas of Data Sciences, to increase our data-driven decision-making process.We also share our vision for a Digitally mature, AI-enabled process development organization where data is FAIR and consumed by scientists using cutting edge Data analytics to generate novel insights on our assets. This is directly aligned with Sanofi’s ambition to be the first Biopharma company to enable AI at scale contributing to deliver safer and more affordable drugs to our patients around the world.


Applications of Machine Learning in Antibody Discovery, Process Development, Manufacturing, and Formulation: Current Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

Bogdan Gabrys, PhD, Professor of Data Science, Data Science Institute, School of Computer Science, University of Technology Sydney

While machine learning (ML) has made significant contributions to the biopharmaceutical field, its applications are still in the early stages in terms of providing direct support for quality-by-design based development and manufacturing of biologics, hindering the enormous potential for bioprocesses automation from their development to manufacturing. In this talk we will provide a comprehensive review of the current applications of ML solutions, discuss the main challenges, and offer insights into the adoption of innovative ML methods in the development of new digital biopharma solutions.

2:30 pm Efficiency and Robustness in Process Development for Bio-Production

Soichiro Shimoda, Manager, Business Design, Yokogawa Electric Corp.

Shahzad Khan, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Yokogawa Electric Corporation is a leading provider of process automation for more than 50 years. Expertise are in technologies for sensing, analyzing, controlling and information management for industrial automation. We would like to share our experience and efforts in the biopharmaceutical industry, such as inline sensing and advanced control algorithms using techniques represented by modeling and machine learning, aiming to realize efficiency and robustness in bio-production.

2:45 pm Advancing Bioprocessing with AI-Native MLOps: Case Studies and Prospects

Karthik Sekar, PhD, Staff Data Scientist, Invert

Invert is a cutting-edge AI-native software platform, purpose-built as an MLOps solution for bioprocessing. This talk will:

Introduce Invert's innovative approach to managing data for bioprocess optimization

Highlight outcomes of collaborations in identifying critical process parameters

Demonstrate our AI-driven experimental design methodologies

Preview upcoming features, including advanced temporal process prediction

Join us to explore how Invert is transforming bioprocessing efficiency and accelerating innovation in the field.

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing3:00 pm


3:50 pm

Plenary Introduction

Daniel Barry, Senior Conference Director, Cambridge Healthtech Institute

3:55 pm

Genetic Medicines—Transforming the Future of Biotherapeutics


Ann Lee, PhD, CTO, Prime Medicine, Inc.

Genetic medicines have the potential to revolutionize the treatment of diseases by editing the genes responsible for illness. The landmark approval of CASGEVY, the world’s first CRISPR-based treatment, has opened the door to an exciting new era of gene-editing therapies and technologies. Though not without challenges. This unique Fireside Chat brings together leading experts from the fields of CRISPR cas-9, prime editing, base editing, and epigenetics to discuss the technologies, tools, and strategies to succeed in the clinic and commercially.


E. Morrey Atkinson, PhD, Executive Vice President, Chief Technical Operations Officer, Head, Biopharmaceutical Sciences and Manufacturing Operations, Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Manmohan Singh, PhD, CTO, Beam Therapeutics

Heidi Zhang, PhD, Executive Vice President, Head, Technical Operations, Tune Therapeutics

Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing5:00 pm

Close of Day6:00 pm

Thursday, August 22

Registration and Morning Coffee7:30 am


7:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Christian Airiau, PhD, Global Head, Data Sciences, CMC, R&D, Sanofi

8:00 am

CFD Simulations for Efficient Upscaling of Stem Cell Production in Bioreactors

Ramon van Valderen, PhD Candidate, Delft University of Technology

Ex-vivo cultivation of iPSCs for the production of red blood cells is a promising therapeutic alternative to donor-based cell transfusion, yet scale-up of this bioprocess remains challenging. In this work, highly-resolved large-eddy simulations were performed to compare the hydrodynamics of a 125mL shake flask and 250mL bioreactor for various operating conditions, to help translate shake flask operating conditions to bioreactor operating conditions, which ultimately contributes to faster process development times.

8:30 am

Closed-Loop Control of Fed-Batch Bioreactors for Monoclonal Antibody Production

Anastasia Nikolakopoulou, Investigator—Modeling and Simulation, Pharmaceutical Development, R&D Medicinal Science and Technology, GSK

In this talk, we discuss model predictive control (MPC) strategies for CHO fed-batch cell culture. MPC strategies have been investigated for their potential to achieve consistent end-of-run titer in the presence of unexpected process disturbances (i.e., iVCC deviations, pH or temperature controller errors). First, we discuss two different modeling frameworks and their integration with MPC. Then, we compare the impact of process disturbances on the process with and without MPC.

Coffee Break in the Exhibit Hall with Poster Viewing9:00 am

9:30 amBreakout Discussion Groups

Breakout Discussions are informal, moderated discussions, allowing participants to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic. Each discussion will be led by a facilitator who keeps the discussion on track and the group engaged. To get the most out of this format, please come prepared to share examples from your work, be a part of a collective, problem-solving session, and participate in active idea sharing. Please visit the Breakout Discussions page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.


Post Model Establishment: Meaningfully Implementing Models in Process Development

Terrence Dobrowsky, PhD, Head, Technology Development and Implementation, Takeda

  • What do you consider when deciding on entry points for modeling in process development?
  • How do you enable engagement and use of models in development workflows?
  • What does ‘in silico first’ mean to different stakeholders? 
  • What are the biggest hurdles when incorporating models directly into process control?

Digital Bioprocessing and Industry 4.0: How Far along Are We?

Mark Duerkop, CEO, Novasign GmbH

This interactive roundtable discussion will cover the following topics:

  • Critical evaluation of the current industrial evolution?
  • AI vs. mechanistic modeling: what to choose?
  • Workflow vs. data: where to invest?
  • Outlook—how AI will change the way of bioprocessing in the future?
10:30 am

Quantifying Catabolism to Predict and Model the Kinetics of CHO Cell Cultures

Sergio Rossell, PhD, Expert Scientist, Upstream Development, GSK

Mammalian cell lines require complex media. Cells utilize the nutrients available to them as building blocks for biosynthesis, but also as substrates from which they derive the energy to drive biosynthesis and cell maintenance. Here we show how the rates of catabolic reactions can be dissected from the rest of metabolism, and show that catabolism governs the rates of growth and product and byproduct formation in antigen-producing CHO cells.

11:00 am

Evaluating Molecular-Scale, Coarse-Grained Mayer Sampling Simulations for Predicting the Self-Association of Commercial Monoclonal Antibodies

Jonathan Janke, PhD, Scientist, Biologic Drug Product Development and Manufacturing, Sanofi

Screening for CMC protein liabilities is a crucial, although costly, step in mAb drug product development. The diffusion interaction parameter, kD, has been demonstrated to be a highly useful predictor for CMC liabilities, and kD, in conjunction with B22, can be predicted using molecular-scale simulations. After parameterizing coarse-grained simulations, we have determined that these simulations are both robust and efficient for predicting self-interactions of monospecific, commercial mAbs.

11:30 am

In-house vs Off-the-Shelf Solutions for a Digital R&D Ecosystem

Victor Sanchez Tarre, PhD, Director, Data Science, Manufacturing Science & Technology, MeiraGTX

  • Factors to be considered when deciding on building an in-house software solution vs. off-the-shelf offerings
  • Tools to build a successful digital ecosystem—from specific code packages to ELN and data exploration platforms of choice
  • Infrastructure supporting the functions from Data Engineering like data capture, data storage, and ETL pipelines; to Data Science like model versioning, data exploration, and advanced analytics
  • Challenges—assay nomenclature harmonization, standardization of data capture and data processing workflows, and strategies to routinely generate FAIR data

Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own12:00 pm

Refreshment Break in the Exhibit Hall & Last Chance for Poster Viewing12:30 pm


1:05 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Anastasia Nikolakopoulou, Investigator—Modeling and Simulation, Pharmaceutical Development, R&D Medicinal Science and Technology, GSK

1:10 pm

A DoE Approach to Identify and Model the Design Space for Worst-Case Upstream Bioprocessing

Wilhad H. Reuter, Lead Engineer, Upstream Process Development, Mural Oncology, Inc.

Worst-case studies are a facet of late-stage process characterization that are used to model the combination of factors that have the least desirable outcome in a manufacturing process. Both screening and response surface DoEs were executed to identify the highest risk factors on a 14-day fed-batch cell culture process. These models were then leveraged for designating the Upstream Control Strategy AORs prior to PPQ manufacturing.

1:40 pm

A Novel Digital Twin for Enhancing rAAV Production in Sf9/Baculovirus Cultures

Francesco Destro, PhD, Postdoctoral Associate, Chemical Engineering, Center for Biomedical Innovation, MIT

This work introduces a groundbreaking digital twin designed to enhance the production of recombinant-adeno-associated virus (rAAV) within baculovirus/Sf9 cultures—a platform responsible for producing 50% of commercial rAAV-based gene therapies. A mechanistic model is developed to systematically identify bottlenecks within the intracellular pathway for full rAAV capsid formation in producer cells. After experimental validation, the digital twin indicates genetic modifications and process enhancements aimed at boosting overall platform productivity.

2:10 pm

Digital Twin Strategy for Continuous Manufacturing of Biologics: Case Study

Pedro de Azevedo Delou, Senior Consultant Engineer, Siemens Industry Software

Robert Taylor, PhD, Associate Scientist, Bioseparation Sciences, Merck Manufacturing Division

In recent years, manufacturing of monoclonal antibodies has placed an increased emphasis on continuous manufacturing processes, rather than batch. Continuous manufacturing enables a smaller manufacturing footprint, improved process control strategies and sustainability, among many other advantages. Through this work, we designed and conducted in silico DOE runs, decreasing the number of experiments, material, and the overall program timeline and costs of process development and commercialization phases. Currently, we are initiating our first mechanistic models for some of the operation units, and attempt to generate first feedback controls through integration of tangential flow filtration models as soft sensors for membrane fouling.

Networking Refreshment Break and Transition into Town Hall Discussions2:40 pm


2:55 pmFacilitated Town Hall Discussions - IN PERSON ONLY

These Town Halls offer delegates the opportunity to participate in interactive discussions on important themes that were explored during the conference. Each Hall will have a host(s) to facilitate the conversation, and all are welcome to participate, share views and best practices and ask questions of colleagues.

Town Hall 1: Harnessing ML/AI and Big Data for Biotherapeutic Development

Pin-Kuang Lai, PhD, Assistant Professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Stevens Institute of Technology

Big data holds the key to unlocking breakthroughs in biotherapeutic formulation and analytical development. This collaborative session tackles the challenges associated with data coordination, capture, and standardization across different programs. Discuss the potential of chat-based language models and explore best practices for leveraging historical data to inform R&D efforts. Join the conversation to navigate the evolving big data landscape together.

Town Hall 2: Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing: In-House vs. Outsourced

Elben Guimaraes, Senior Manufacturing Manager, Upstream Manufacturing, Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical Inc.

The decision of handling cell and gene therapy processes in-house or outsourcing them is crucial. This facilitated discussion explores the advantages and challenges of both approaches, analyzing their impact on cost, control, strategic direction, and innovation. Share experiences and best practices for managing internal and external manufacturing, while examining common scenarios faced by sponsors and vendors.

Town Hall 3: Digital Transformation & AI in Bioprocess Development and Manufacturing

Christian Airiau, PhD, Global Head, Data Sciences, CMC, R&D, Sanofi

Irene Rombel, PhD, CEO & Co-Founder, BioCurie Inc.

The bioprocessing industry is undergoing a digital revolution fueled by AI. This interactive session dives into current digital adoption and explores the latest trends in AI applications (AIML). Join the conversation to explore the potential of AI for process optimization and digital twins. Share real-world success stories and discuss ethical considerations along with potential workforce impacts.

Close of Summit3:55 pm